Monday, December 15, 2008

Your Feedback Needed!

I need your help! I would like your feedback on custom career search tools. Given the current job market & slowing economic growth custom tools, guidance & preparation are necessary to navigate the job market.

Below are a few ideas I would like your input on. Let me know which ones you feel are worthwhile & which ones you feel like would really give you the edge in your career search. Thanks in advance for your help!

1) Industry Snapshots- detailed industry forecast growth predictions, occupational outlook & leading companies within the industry. Providing the information to act & make informed career path decisions.

2) Custom Resume Development & Review Consultant- design build a professional resume from scratch or tweak & tailor an existing resume. (Include Cover Letters too)

3) Access & Contact Information to Professional Recruiters- both submitting your name/resume to leading industry specific recruiters & providing a playbook of all industry & regional specific recruiters to get your foot in the door.

4) Personal Career Coach- a certified professional career coach to help you navigate through all phases of the job search (industry selection, resume, interview, follow up, offer negotiation, transition counseling etc.)

5) Ability to have your resume appear first when employers are searching for candidates in your area of interest- (example- have your resume appear first when an employer searches the term "Marketing Director" on a job database.

I look forward to reading your feedback & please make any additions you would like to see.



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